Saturday, January 26, 2013

My Literary New Year's Resolutions

So, it’s 2013, and I’m going through my new year’s resolutions. I have a lot of bad habits as a reader that I’m going to try to break this year. What could I do to have a better relationship with my literary habits this year? Well, it’s time to make some new year’s resolutions as a reader and lover of literature that I’m sure I’ll break really early on in the year.

1.       I Will Finish A Series of Books- In the Time Magazine profile of George R.R. Martin, as the author last year on the Time 100 list, they claim that if you didn’t read A Game of Thrones, you should be ashamed of yourself. I guess I am ashamed of myself, because I’ve had a paperback of A Game of Thrones with the old fantasy cover (not the cover George R.R. Martin repackaged it with, you know, to make the public feel less ashamed that *gasp* they are reading a fantasy novel), you know, the cover with the good looking guy on a horse, for years even before the HBO series made the series hot. It’s a long book, and I have kept putting it off. I don’t know, but often I have a problem caring about people who lived hundreds of years ago in a fantasy land. However, my goal this year is to make my reading more popular.

2.       I Will Read More Popular Books- This isn’t to say I don’t read bestsellers, but I never keep up with the popular books. Often, by the time I get to the book of year, the year has passed. I guess I don’t read the water cooler book that everyone is going ga-ga over at the moment. It took me awhile to get to Harry Potter, The DaVinci Code, Twilight and The Hunger Games which isn’t to say I didn’t read them. I did. However, I’m always late to the party on the hottest books. I honestly, am also cheap, when it comes to books, and that’s why I guess I’m so late to the party. I buy most of my books used, and a lot of these books have a million holds on them in the library, so by the time I read them, people have moved on from vampire novels and are now reading books about people with weird sexual hang-ups acting out their fantasies (I’m looking at you, 50 Shades of Grey).

3.       I Will Quit Dean Koontz- Too late, I’m already reading the 3rd Odd Thomas book.

4.       I Will Start To Get Angry At Authors People Say I Should Be Angry At- I know a lot of literary people I know take out their anger on Stephanie Meyer, and maybe I should start to deeply analyze her work and take out my anger on her too, but when I see a 14 year old reading a book the size of a doorstop, I could really care less if the book is about sparkly vampires or dueling wizards.

5.       I Will Read John Green- I know, “The Fault In Our Stars” is probably brilliant and people worship author John Green but…this Dean Koontz book is titled “Velocity!” The title alone promises well, Velocity!

6.       I Will Start To Hang Around Barnes and Nobel- Until I look at the price tag on a brand new book and realize I could buy the same book for less, used, online. Oh, and browsing the paranormal teen romance section makes me uncomfortable, even if it’s just for research.

7.       I Will Read Another Stephen King Novel- 2011 was the first year I didn’t read a Stephen King novel, which just feels wrong.

8.       I Will Be More Mature- In all seriousness, I know John Green’s book is about a hard topic (teens with cancer) and I really need to give it a shot. Author John Green is considered like brilliant.

9.       I Will Write My Own Book- Easier said than done.

10.   And Finally, I Will Continue to Update My Book Blog- To tell you all about my criticisms, thoughts and stuff concerning the book world and writing. I have a large stack of books, ready for a new year. I will re-read some classics (Pride and Prejudice), I will read some new ones, and I will read some used paperbacks I bought cheap. So, pretty much like last year. It’s year two of Neverland’s Library, so let’s make it a good book year. Cheers!

11.   And oh, let me add one more thing- This really isn’t about books but because this is the New Year, I want to say this: why does my life resemble The Big Bang Theory more than Girls? These shows are both about twenty something’s and my life is nothing like Girls. I know, off subject, but maybe that will change this year.

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