Saturday, June 30, 2012

Creative Ways To Get Your Kid To Read

 Once a kid enters the halls of Hogwarts, the cabins of Camp Half-Blood, the doorway to Narnia, meets a boyfriend like Edward or are chosen for The Hunger Games, then they will go to the magical world of reading. However, how do you get them to take that first step? Reading is really important, but how do you get them reading during their formative years? Here are some creative ways to get your kids to read. Before they enter a world, you need to make reading a part of theirs. Here’s how you can do that.

Rent The Movie- Don’t be ashamed to rent the movie first. The movie can act as a commercial for the book. If the book is a movie, and your kids aren’t so eager to read the book, then show them the movie. After watching the movie, the kid might go “Wow!” and grab the book.

Buy a Series- Kids love characters they get to know, and they love to go on adventures with them book after book. They will anticipate the next book coming out in the series, and the celebrations that come with it. Bookstores and libraries often throw parties in honor of each new book in a series. 

Pick a Genre- If you can get a kid into a genre, then they will follow that genre. It’s about getting a kid comfortable with a certain kind of story. Fantasy is often a very popular choice among young readers, because that provides an escape and an adventure.  

Don’t Judge Their Choice of Books- Of course, you don’t want your kids reading “Fifty Shades of Gray”, but there is something that should be known. You shouldn’t be a snob at the first things your kids read. You might be a dad who doesn’t understand the appeal of “Twilight”, and why should you? But your daughter or son might love reading about handsome vampires, and if that keeps her (or him) turning the pages, that’s great.

Encourage Their Writing- J.K. Rowling has said publicly that she loves reading fan fiction of “Harry Potter.” Fan fiction is when people write original stories about characters or place their original characters in the world of the novel. Encourage them to write, and share their fan fiction in groups or online communities like There’s even whole websites dedicated to certain types of fan fictions like Fiction Alley, which is dictated to Harry Potter fan fiction.  Of course, make sure your kids are posting fan fiction on a safe site. The ones I just mentioned have a safe reputation. 

Make It a Group- Kids love to belong, and what better thing for them to bond over then a book?  See if your local library has a reading club for kids. If you can make reading a book into a group activity, then kids will have fun discussing the books together or playing the board game that goes with the book. They will make new friends, and bond over the book. This will be good when the movie comes out, and they go see it together. 

Turn The Book In to A Play- This goes along with the group idea. Maybe the kids could put on a play, acting out chapters and characters from the book or perhaps they make their fan fiction into a play. Once again, kids love entering a world, and this brings that world to life.

Buy Them a Bookshelf- At first; be willing to buy them books instead of simply taking them out from the library. Kids love to collect things, and when the books can become a part of their room, it becomes a part of their world as well. That doesn’t mean you have to spend twenty dollars on brand new books. Check out your library and local bookstores for used books. That being said…

Take Your Kids to the Library- Take them often. Make it the place they want to hang out at.

Those are my suggestions to get your kids to read. A kid who reads will do better later in life. So, don’t just make reading a chore. Make it a celebration. Make it a recreation. Make it theirs.