DC Comics has been under such pressure from activists that they have put Orson Scott Card’s story on hold, and the artist quit. I understand Orson Scott Card’s politics are way out of line with mine. He is a devout Mormon, and has spoken out against homosexuality on the internet, columns in his local paper and on his website. However, when Orson Scott Card writes about writing, he is right. His views on using accessible language, and his belief that J.K. Rowling was wrong to go after a guy publishing an unauthorized encyclopedia fall in line with my views. However, I do not agree with his views on politics. He is very outspoken about everything and his political comments have left people scratching their heads, asking how could a homophobe and right winger write such great science fiction? Well, the question I have to ask is what does a science fiction novel and a Superman story have to do with personal beliefs?
Science fiction is well, fiction, and so is Superman. So, do I have a right to protest Orson Scott Card's books, upcoming movie and Superman script because his political views are not in line with mine? Well, I’m not a big fan of political correctness myself. If someone is a racist or homophobe, why make them pretend they aren’t? We will just not hang out with them. His novel, “Ender’s Game” is bestselling, beloved and has a Hugo and Nebula Award. However, when “Ender’s Game” came out, it was before Orson Scott Card could blog about his views or his local newspaper columns would spill out on the internet. It was 1985. That being said, Orson Scott Card’s involvement in the Superman comics and his upcoming movie adaptation is causing a stir on the internet. He says that his book signings have become protested by local activists.
“Ender’s Game” is a science fiction novel, and not a political rant. I believe we do not have a right to deny Orson Scott Card employment because his views do not fall in line with many people. Some people share his views and some do not. I do not but I will not let his political views make me boycott his involvement in“Superman” comics or a movie adaptation. If this was J.K. Rowling instead of Orson Scott Card, would we throw out all the good work she has done to get kids to read because of a personal view? J.K. Rowling, let me be clear, has been very supportive of gay rights, but what if she wasn’t? Rowling’s work has done a world of good, but should we turn a cold shoulder to that if her personal views were not in line with ours? Personally, I am not a fan of political correctness, as preached by people on the left who often say they support free speech. If someone isn’t in favor of equality, than why make them pretend they are? Using the right words is silly. People have a right in this country to be politically incorrect, if that’s how they really feel.
However, Orson Scott Card's politics aren’t the same as his work. Yes, some of his fiction has gotten political but not all of it. “Ender’s Game” is a science fiction novel, and it sounds silly to boycott “Superman”. I think we shouldn’t go after D.C. Comics for hiring what is really just a popular science fiction author to write a couple of issues. His book, “Ender’s Game” has been a bestseller for a lot of years, and a movie adaptation was bound to come. So, his politics aren’t in line with mine, but we shouldn’t throw away his good work as a science fiction writer because we think his views should be fictional too. Orson Scott Card has a right to his views, and I have a right to mine. However, Orson Scott Card is not running for office. He is a talented guy who writes science fiction novels. His talents should not be overlooked because of his personal and political views.