10. John Keating (Dead Poets Society)
Stand on your desks, everyone, and rip out a page of your
textbooks. Well, okay, that’s exactly what annoyed Roger Ebert, in his review
of “Dead Poets Society” as he described Mr. Keating as a “delicate balancing
act between restraint and shtick.” However annoying Robin William’s portrayal
of a teacher is to the modern viewer, we would all lie if we said we didn’t
want him as a teacher. He’s been both spoofed and celebrated, but Mr. Keating
did think outside the box and inspire his students. Humor is often a good quality
found in real memorable teachers, too.
9. Miss Honey (Matilda)
Give this women teacher of the year. From the Roald Dahl
novel, and the movie by Danny DeVilo, Miss Honey doesn’t only share Matilda’s
love of reading, she also ends up adopting Matilda, from her nasty brutish
family. Together, they make a very smart team. Not only does Matilda have a
better life with Miss. Honey, but she gets those darn powers of hers under
control. Bravo.
8. Mr. Balding (Saved By The Bell)
Yes, he’s the principal who hung out a bit too much with the kids (and in real life, that would be kind of creepy, but this is a TV show, so let’s give it a pass.) However, you can’t deny that Mr. Balding cares about his school and his students a lot too. He seems to always be there for Zack and the gang when they needed an adult to talk to. Even when he’s a total goof ball, he’s also a caring adult.
Yes, he’s the principal who hung out a bit too much with the kids (and in real life, that would be kind of creepy, but this is a TV show, so let’s give it a pass.) However, you can’t deny that Mr. Balding cares about his school and his students a lot too. He seems to always be there for Zack and the gang when they needed an adult to talk to. Even when he’s a total goof ball, he’s also a caring adult.
7. Mr. Miyagi (The Karate Kid)
Mr. Miyagi is a great teacher. The only character to appear in the entire series (not counting the remake); Mr. Miyagi is also there to teach kids discipline and fighting. He is a good listener, teacher and a caring older man. Ok, so the plots to “The Karate Kid” movies didn’t always make total sense but Mr. Miyagi always taught kids to both understand and kick butt at the same time.
6. Yoda (Star Wars)
Yoda isn’t human, but he’s caring, wise and taught generations of Jedi’s how to do it. He is there for a young Luke Skywalker, and cared enough to take on the role as mentor. He’s a great whatever he is, and you can’t get that experience from just any teacher. Yoda is always there to teach you how to have a firm grasp on the light saver.
Yoda isn’t human, but he’s caring, wise and taught generations of Jedi’s how to do it. He is there for a young Luke Skywalker, and cared enough to take on the role as mentor. He’s a great whatever he is, and you can’t get that experience from just any teacher. Yoda is always there to teach you how to have a firm grasp on the light saver.
5. Professor Leonard Haffsteader (Big Bang Theory)
Okay, so he spends more time lusting over Penny than
teaching a university class but we did see him teach a class a couple times in
the series. However, I do think he make a very good teacher to have, because if
he has proven anything, Leonard is an understanding and patient guy. You try
having Sheldon as a roommate. Not only does he have him as a roommate, but he
voluntarily considers him his best friend.
4. Professor Robert Langdon (The Di Vinci Code)
Okay, this book isn’t a masterpiece of literature, but
still, Langdon would be a pretty cool professor to have. Not only is he full of
conspiracy theories, but he went on great adventures to prove them. Think of
the cool stories he can tell in class (fact checkers need not apply. Chances
are, you can get an “A” on your paper doing as much fact checking as author Dan
Brown did.)
3. Professor Snape (Harry Potter)
You know, he’s a grouch. He’s also rude and not an easy “A”.
Not the nicest guy in the world but there he is something good underneath that
all. He is actually on your side, and does a lot you don’t know about to keep
you alive. I’m not going to give away details, but let’s just say, Harry Potter
named one of his kids Snape for a reason.
2. Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
He is the father figure to Harry Potter, keeper of the
secrets and the leader of Hogwarts. He is someone who cares deeply for his
students and believes very much in them. He is an old wizard, and has had a lot
of life experiences, and he is always there to give a speech, explaining not
only to Harry Potter and friends the lesson of this installment, but also to
the reader, as well.
1. Mr. Feeny (Boy Meets World)
Make the Feeny call! Yes, “Boy Meets World”
isn’t exactly one of the greatest sitcoms ever made, but Mr. Feeny is one of
the best fictional teachers to ever grace the television screen. I mean, he
cares so deeply about his students, he teaches them from elementary to college.
He always has the speech at the end to explain the lesson of the show, and has
the last line of the series, “I love you all. Class dismissed”. Sounds like a
certain other teacher (J.K. Rowling ever watch Boy Meets World?) Mr. Feeny is
played wonderfully by veteran actor William Daniels. Yes, this show got crazy
towards the end, and even started to acknowledge it openly with a ton of meta
jokes. However, Mr. Feeny is always there in syndication to explain to us
life’s journey because Mr. Matthews needs to be guided, and Mr. Feeny guided us